'The UK will win Eurovision' and more predictions for music in 2023
'The UK will win Eurovision' and more predictions for music in 2023
Felt legend Lawrence: 'I want to just see what fame's like'
Felt legend Lawrence: 'I want to just see what fame's like'
Merch wars kick off as venues take up to 45% from band T-shirt sales
Merch wars kick off as venues take up to 45% from band T-shirt sales
The BBC is the repository of our cultural memory. Protect it at all costs
The BBC is the repository of our cultural memory. Protect it at all costs
Self Esteem's righteous reinvention should lead to Mercury Prize glory
Self Esteem's righteous reinvention should lead to Mercury Prize glory
Muse: Will of the People review – 'Mad, bad, dangerous, and unreasonably good fun'
Muse: Will of the People review – 'Mad, bad, dangerous, and unreasonably good fun'
Born to run riot with surge pricing – ticket agencies have become the ticket touts
Born to run riot with surge pricing – ticket agencies have become the ticket touts
Ultimate Thunder: The most punk-rock band in Britain
Ultimate Thunder: The most punk-rock band in Britain
Top songs: a guide to Tom Cruise singing cheesy tunes in movies
Top songs: a guide to Tom Cruise singing cheesy tunes in movies
Beware, playlist connoisseurs – these well-known musicians deleted their own albums from existence
Beware, playlist connoisseurs – these well-known musicians deleted their own albums from existence
Six months on, as music festivals begin again, it’s like the Astroworld disaster never happened
Six months on, as music festivals begin again, it’s like the Astroworld disaster never happened
The story of Chervona Ruta – Ukraine's pop song of resistance