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Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill

What is the Wellbeing of Future Generations bill and what does it hope to achieve?

Tackling the big issues both the UK and the world are facing, such as the climate crisis and poverty, requires long-term thinking that is at odds with the five-year election cycle. That’s where the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill comes in.

Decisions made by the politicians in power today will have huge consequences not only for society today but also for the future generations that follow. Lord Bird’s Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill is aiming to ensure future generations are considered in those actions. 

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill will require the UK Government to:

  1. Work to prevent problems, including the climate crisis, poverty and pandemics from happening, and not just deal in emergencies;
  2. Give current and future generations a voice in decision-making, and protect them from global threats;
  3. Deliver a new, sustainable vision for the nation that prioritises our environmental, social, economic and cultural wellbeing.

Where is the bill currently?

The current bid to get the Future Generations Bill into the law is the second time it has been introduced in parliament. The bill started its second attempt at making it into law during the current parliamentary session on July 11 when it was given a second reading in the House of Lords. Peers will have their first chance to debate the bill at its second reading later in the year.

You can read more on the bill here.

How to support the bill?

Alongside Lord Bird’s bill, The Big Issue Group is running the Big Futures, a campaign to break the cycle of poverty for Future Generations. Big Issue Group’s mission is to create innovative solutions through enterprise to unlock social and economic opportunity for millions of people in the UK affected by poverty.  

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill, which is being led through Parliament by the Big Issue founder, Lord Bird, is rooted in the same philosophy and aims to challenge orthodox thinking by brokering sustainable solutions to social problems. The best way to get involved is to support our Big Futures campaign by signing the open letter here.