
TikTok is seeking to ban climate misinformation on the app. Will it work?
white hand holding an iphone with a black screen and a TikTok logo
Social media

TikTok is seeking to ban climate misinformation on the app. Will it work?

Agriculture has changed the planet – now we need to change our diet to protect it
Earth Day
Earth Day

Agriculture has changed the planet – now we need to change our diet to protect it

Climate refugees are on the front line of a global emergency
Earth Day
Earth Day

Climate refugees are on the front line of a global emergency

What does the UK's current energy mix look like today – and in the future?
Electric socket illustration
Earth day

What does the UK's current energy mix look like today – and in the future?

Melin Homes Pursues Carbon Neutrality by 2030: Partnerships, Green Tech, and Workforce Training
A woman charges an electric car
Sponsored content

Melin Homes Pursues Carbon Neutrality by 2030: Partnerships, Green Tech, and Workforce Training

Doomism about climate change is a privilege we can't afford
Illustration of climate breakdown
Earth Day

Doomism about climate change is a privilege we can't afford

Can giant charity shops stop fast fashion in its tracks?
Earth Day
Earth Day

Can giant charity shops stop fast fashion in its tracks?

Greenwashing companies should be 'named and shamed' to help consumers choose
wind turbines are key in transition to net zero

Greenwashing companies should be 'named and shamed' to help consumers choose

The social enterprise offering loans to people who can't afford to make their homes greener
social enterprise Lendology lends cash so people can insulate their homes to tackle climate change and rising energy bills
Climate crisis

The social enterprise offering loans to people who can't afford to make their homes greener

Harvesting hope for a better future
Advertorial feature

Harvesting hope for a better future

All is not lost, but climate action is more urgent than ever
Climate illustration
Earth Day

All is not lost, but climate action is more urgent than ever

London's Ulez plans could hit disabled people, charities and small businesses the hardest
The team from dogs on the streets london stand in front of their van
air pollution

London's Ulez plans could hit disabled people, charities and small businesses the hardest

Is it time to ban private jets?
Private jet at Orlando airport with door open
Climate change

Is it time to ban private jets?

New report predicts the first global drop in fossil fuel-generated electricity due to renewable energy growth
solar panels renewable energy
Renewable Energy

New report predicts the first global drop in fossil fuel-generated electricity due to renewable energy growth

Meet the woman with a 'radical' solution to water pollution
Lizzie Carr, founder of Planet Patrol, sitting on a paddle board
Water pollution

Meet the woman with a 'radical' solution to water pollution

Water companies are 'wilfully misleading' the public over sewage claims, watchdog says

Water companies are 'wilfully misleading' the public over sewage claims, watchdog says

Would you pay to insulate your home to tackle climate change?
Installing insulation is a way to insulate homes and tackle climate change and rising energy bills
Climate crisis

Would you pay to insulate your home to tackle climate change?

What do the UK government's 'Green Day' policies mean for net zero?
electric car charging

What do the UK government's 'Green Day' policies mean for net zero?

Britain needs 'state-owned energy champion', shadow climate secretary Ed Miliband says
Renewable energy

Britain needs 'state-owned energy champion', shadow climate secretary Ed Miliband says

'If we can fix it, we will': The Fixing Factory, where broken appliances get another chance
Dermot Jones at the Fixing Factory in Camden fixing a toaster and a lamp
The Fixing Factory

'If we can fix it, we will': The Fixing Factory, where broken appliances get another chance