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  • Brave New World – Disney and the fight for Scotland

Brave New World – Disney and the fight for Scotland

Issue 1012

Brave New World – Disney and the fight for Scotland

Brave, Disney’s new Pixar movie set in Scotland, has been embraced by the Scottish government as a flag-waver for independence. Robbie Coltrane and the film’s stars consider what it could mean for the Union…

Also in this week’s Big Issue…

Mitt Romney, the gaffe-prone would-be Most Powerful Man In The World, has one key asset in his armoury – his hair. What is the link between great hair and electability?

After the triumphant Opening Ceremony, the effects of the ‘Boyle bounce’ upon the economy

Robson Green discusses a restraining order against Simon Cowell in Letter To My Younger Self

Clive Stafford Smith, international human rights lawyer, talks death threats and cricket

‘Free London’ guide and ‘Edinburgh’ guide in the respective regional editions

Plus, actress Jaime Winston, homeless performers at the Royal Opera House, the week’s cultural highlights in your area, competitions, and much more!