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  • Choose Ewan McGregor: God, taxes and Trainspotting 2

Choose Ewan McGregor: God, taxes and Trainspotting 2

Issue 1203

Choose Ewan McGregor: God, taxes and Trainspotting 2

Ewan McGregor is angry about the super-rich avoiding their taxes. Very angry. It’s a question of morality for him and he has much to say. In a zippy interview, he also covers the new Trainspotting movie, Jesus and the spectacular potty mouth of Stellan Skarsgård. Well worth a read.

This week we also dig into Public Space Protection Orders, the sneakiest new set of laws to be ushered in by councils in many years. Some of the orders are laughable (carrying a golf bag in one area) but there is a pernicious undercurrent of stigmatising and criminalising the poorest in society. We investigate.

John Bird, meanwhile, reflects upon mental health provision and why we should always look out for the harmed and the hurt.

On March 13 this year Simon Taylor died. A former vendor he fought for many years to beat a drug addiction. He died of blood poisoning. His family contacted us to ask if we’d share their tributes to Simon, to show that beyond every statistic there is a loving and loved human being. It’s an incredibly heartfelt and moving collection.

Samira Ahmed returns with a piece looking at real and imagined terrors that come down upon us.

Our Letter To My Younger Self is with the scourge of so many politicians, James Naughtie. He reflects upon a rich life and reveals his secret shame…

Our featured vendor is Richard Hormann who sells in Bristol city centre. He ended up sleeping rough as his hotel job ended. He dreams of a small allotment to call his own.