• Rogue element: Poldark’s back. Aidan Turner talks to The Big Issue

Rogue element: Poldark’s back. Aidan Turner talks to The Big Issue

Issue 1220

Rogue element: Poldark’s back. Aidan Turner talks to The Big Issue

In this weeks issue…We don’t have to take our clothes off to have a good time. The televisual phenomenon Poldark is back. Star Aidan Turner tells Adrian Lobb about the social justice subtext and why he’s more than a six-pack with a scythe. Though that also features. More than once.

Jason Petch’s eye-opening revelations about the reality of life in Britain’s homeless hostels has been a must-read series. He has shone a light on the fault-lines of an imperfect service. This week he reveals how he fixed problems with food in a hostel (for him and others) by doing a very British thing – writing a strongly worded letter. And he details his next plans. Using what he has learned during his homeless period, he’s gunning to open what he calls a homeless hotel.

Establishment irritant and creator of some of the world’s most iconic music related art Gerald Scarfe talks us through his most important work.

In a week of focus on Islamic radicalisation, and on talk around burkinis and bans, Sara Khan, founder of counter-extremism group Inspire, explains why the battle to beat extremism still needs to be fought hard in Britain. And why we all need to work at it. Terrific piece.

Meanwhile, John Bird wonders what the fate of the very British HP Sauce, now produced overseas, says about identity and opportunity. He has a novel solution…

Our Letter To My Younger Self is with great comic actress Jessica Hynes. She mixes Catholic guilt with a protestant work ethic, she says, and never forgets lessons learned working as a waitress.

Our featured vendor in My Pitch this week is Pat Cadwallader who sells in Marylebone. Selling the magazine has helped put order back after booze beat him. Though he is a Spurs fan so he is a man who meets life with a certain stoic fatalism…

The Big Issue radio critic Robin Ince returns with a look at Just A Minute while Melanie Sykes explains why she likes shooting. Yes indeed.

And remember – Spot The Ball still lives in The Big Issue. Try it.