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Summer music special

Issue 1614

Summer music special

Taylor Swift creates a new financial centre of gravity in every city she deigns to visit and so the places she’s due to play in the UK from June must be as excited as the Swifties. We look at the impact of Swiftonomics in a music special that also includes our annual guide to the best music festivals.

Also inside

  • Madness frontman Suggs sang Our House – and he shares happy memories of growing up on a council estate
  • Nadine Shah has had demons to fight but now she’s exorcising them on her new album
  • Bruce Dickinson has risen higher than he could have ever dreamed he tells us in a Letter To My Younger Self
  • The Unknowns is a band that formed whem members met in an asylum hotel as they waited for their claims to be processed, now they are giving other refugees hope
  • How Massive Attack are pioneering a new eco-friendly way to play live music
  • And Birmingham vendor Michael reflects on his beloved club Liverpool losing its manager

Plus much more!

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