Talk to me: Life’s big questions… Nature knows the answers
Issue 1252
Talk to me: Life's big questions... Nature knows the answers

What a difference 12 months make. Earth Day falls on the same date – 22 April – each year. On Earth Day 2016, the Accord de Paris was signed by 195 countries, pledging to limit the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to halt the affects of climate change. Since then, Trump and Brexit risk threaten all the hard won progress. This week’s Big Issue looks at why we need to stand up to fight for the planet – and why scientists across the world will take to the streets to March for Science this weekend – while celebrating all creatures great and small that hold the secrets of life. They are weirder and more wonderful than we can imagine. Just take a look at the cuttlefish on this week’s cover!
Also this week:
And, as always, much more… |