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The revolution WILL be televised
Issue 1416

In a world turned upside down, Hamilton is bringing blockbusting, world-shaking theatre and life-affirming spirit into our homes. Its creator Lin-Manuel Miranda has a thing or two to say about rising up when history has its eye on you.
Also inside:
- Maddy Brown-Clark sold US street paper Street Roots. Years ago when she was homeless in LA she met Little Richard, who had pulled up in a limo to give out money to rough sleepers. He listened to her sing and a mutual respect grew. After his death in May, Maddy remembers her friend, Little Richard
- Martin Kemp looks back on Live Aid, meeting his perfect partner and the toughest – and luckiest – period of his life
- Does sunlight kill Covid-19? Rather than check with Donald Trump, we looked into it ourselves
- Actor Daniel Mays tells us how lockdown has been for him
- London vendor Giovanni Casadio says being off his pitch has been hell but believes somebody somewhere has a higher plan for him now that things are starting to get back to where they were
All this, and more, only in this week’s Big Issue!
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