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What happened to the dream? 50 years on – civil rights reinvented
Issue 1301

50 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr and America is still divided.
In this week’s Big Issue we speak to the people still fighting.
Stuart Cosgrove finds King’s legacy is fuelling a renewed fight against injustice. Taran Burke, who’s behind the hashtag MeToo, is dismayed it’s dividing women along racial line rather than uniting them. And Memphis street paper vendor Antonio Harris says he wants to do great things – just like his hero MLK.
PLUS everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the Commonwealth but were too afraid to ask
More on bigissue.com
- Communities Secretary Sajid Javid has promised rapid impact from his new rough sleeping task force.
- Lord John Bird has thrown his support behind independent booksellers as they take their fight to level the playing field with industry giants Amazon and Waterstones to parliament.
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