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We found 495 results for your search

Street papers call on world leaders to put climate justice first at COP26

Street papers call on world leaders to put climate justice first at COP26

Protesters at the COP26 youth climate strike have not missed with their signs
A protester on the youth climate strike with a sign reading

Protesters at the COP26 youth climate strike have not missed with their signs

For the fight against climate change, we may already be at five past midnight
Pollution cuts across the early morning sun
Marc Lopatin and Ben Robinson

For the fight against climate change, we may already be at five past midnight

Man ends 37-day hunger strike outside parliament after MPs agree to climate change briefing
Climate crisis

Man ends 37-day hunger strike outside parliament after MPs agree to climate change briefing

5 books to make kids care about the climate, selected by comedian and author James Campbell

5 books to make kids care about the climate, selected by comedian and author James Campbell

Frustrated with Cop27? Here are 5 ingenious climate action groups changing the world
cop27, ashden awards
Climate crisis

Frustrated with Cop27? Here are 5 ingenious climate action groups changing the world

A climate change protest has been cancelled because of climate change

A climate change protest has been cancelled because of climate change

UK tree planting is being 'outpaced' by the number lost in climate change events
Tree uprooted in storm
Climate crisis

UK tree planting is being 'outpaced' by the number lost in climate change events

Inside the trial of the 'Barclays Seven' Extinction Rebellion activists
Long read

Inside the trial of the 'Barclays Seven' Extinction Rebellion activists

The climate emergency is here: We must make our housing policy greener too
Anna Johnston

The climate emergency is here: We must make our housing policy greener too

What will 2023 hold for climate activists? The trial of seven 'suffragettes' may offer clues
Ocean Rebellion

What will 2023 hold for climate activists? The trial of seven 'suffragettes' may offer clues

Why I used bad guys to spread the message about the climate crisis in my novel
Climate crisis

Why I used bad guys to spread the message about the climate crisis in my novel