
Inequality gap growing as top 1% of taxpayers are concentrated in London

Inequality gap growing as top 1% of taxpayers are concentrated in London

The Big Issue teams up with ProxyAddress to level playing field for vendors

The Big Issue teams up with ProxyAddress to level playing field for vendors

Regulator launches guidelines for lenders to protect vulnerable consumers

Regulator launches guidelines for lenders to protect vulnerable consumers

The gap between the rich and the poor has grown thanks to benefits freeze

The gap between the rich and the poor has grown thanks to benefits freeze

What is financial inclusion and why does it matter?
Creditworthiness Assessment bill #MakeRentCount

What is financial inclusion and why does it matter?

Household debt is now higher than it was in the 2008 financial crisis
Household debt

Household debt is now higher than it was in the 2008 financial crisis

Britain is 'sleepwalking' into a cashless society that could exclude millions

Britain is 'sleepwalking' into a cashless society that could exclude millions

The FCA is cracking down on overdraft fees to protect vulnerable customers

The FCA is cracking down on overdraft fees to protect vulnerable customers

Life expectancy is decreasing for some of England's poorest women

Life expectancy is decreasing for some of England's poorest women

Energy providers are forcing prepaid meters on vulnerable customers
Fuel poverty/ Image of gas hob

Energy providers are forcing prepaid meters on vulnerable customers

Payday loans are driving the nation's poorest into depression

Payday loans are driving the nation's poorest into depression

Government audit reveals the UK's 'uncomfortable' racial inequality

Government audit reveals the UK's 'uncomfortable' racial inequality

How the fintech revolution is breaking down financial exclusion
Woman with QR code for electricity bill

How the fintech revolution is breaking down financial exclusion

Paul McNamee: Act now for equal pay
The Handmaids Tale
Paul McNamee

Paul McNamee: Act now for equal pay

The UK's top 1% do not feel wealthy

The UK's top 1% do not feel wealthy