Top 5 Books

Top 5 unlikely fictional heroes, selected by David Jackson
Illustration of Bilbo Baggins leaning against a tree

Top 5 unlikely fictional heroes, selected by David Jackson

Top 5 books about superhuman running challenges, chosen by Nick Butter
Silhouette of a man running with sky and mountains in the background

Top 5 books about superhuman running challenges, chosen by Nick Butter

Top 5 novels from Japan, chosen by Nick Bradley
Japanese pagoda

Top 5 novels from Japan, chosen by Nick Bradley

Top 5 books on British women in sport, chosen by Suzanne Wrack
Alex Scott wearing yellow in front of Japanese neon signs

Top 5 books on British women in sport, chosen by Suzanne Wrack

Top 5 books by Jamaican writers, chosen by Kereen Getten

Top 5 books by Jamaican writers, chosen by Kereen Getten

Top 5 books about queer teenage romance, chosen by Helen Palmer
Two young people holding hands

Top 5 books about queer teenage romance, chosen by Helen Palmer

Top 5 books set in Berlin, chosen by Emma Venables
Berlin television tower

Top 5 books set in Berlin, chosen by Emma Venables

Top 5 Books featuring carnivorous plants, chosen by Natasha Calder
Venus fly trap plant
Horror plantlife

Top 5 Books featuring carnivorous plants, chosen by Natasha Calder

Top 5 books about portal adventures for under-12s, chosen by Ben Miller
Ben Miller leaning against a bookcase
Children's books

Top 5 books about portal adventures for under-12s, chosen by Ben Miller

Top 5 books on Restoration Britain, chosen by Jack Jewers
Charles II in robes
British history

Top 5 books on Restoration Britain, chosen by Jack Jewers

Top 5 poetry collections on climate change, chosen by Rishi Dastidar
Climate change: Arid landscape beside a field of flowers
tackling crisis

Top 5 poetry collections on climate change, chosen by Rishi Dastidar

Top 5 books about the Australian immigrant experience, chosen by Michelle de Kretser
map of Australia with a pin in it
Migrant stories

Top 5 books about the Australian immigrant experience, chosen by Michelle de Kretser

Top 5 romcoms with cons, chosen by PJ Ellis
Barbed wire heart

Top 5 romcoms with cons, chosen by PJ Ellis

Top 5 food memoirs, chosen by Sumayya Usmani
A chopping board with vegetables, herbs and a knife

Top 5 food memoirs, chosen by Sumayya Usmani

International Transgender Day of Visibility: Top 5 books by trans feminine authors
Trans flag eyeshadow
Trans women

International Transgender Day of Visibility: Top 5 books by trans feminine authors

Top 5 books that examine a cold case, chosen by Janice Hallett
Cold case: a neon-light question mark

Top 5 books that examine a cold case, chosen by Janice Hallett

Top 5 state-of-the-nation books, chosen by Ayòbámi Adébáyò
Globe map of the world
reading list

Top 5 state-of-the-nation books, chosen by Ayòbámi Adébáyò

Top 5 books about mystics and mysticism, chosen by Victoria MacKenzie
Buddhist incense (Mysticism)
into the mystic

Top 5 books about mystics and mysticism, chosen by Victoria MacKenzie

Top 5 books about migrants, chosen by Sam Miller

Top 5 books about migrants, chosen by Sam Miller

Top 5 books about birds, chosen by Jasmine Donahaye
Illustration of birds in a tree

Top 5 books about birds, chosen by Jasmine Donahaye