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  • Today For Tomorrow

Today For Tomorrow

The coronavirus pandemic has shown we need more long-term thinking and planning in Government. The ‘Wellbeing of Future Generations’ Bill, if passed into law, will help tackle threats such as the climate crisis, poverty, pandemics, head on. The Bill was drawn first in the private member’s bill ballot, making it a priority during limited debate time in the House of Lords this parliamentary session (May 2021 to May 2022). This is a fantastic opportunity because it gives the Bill the best chance of success this year

Today For Tomorrow is a cross-party campaign powered by The Big Issue and the Office of Big Issue Founder, Lord Bird MBE. At the heart of The Big Issue Group mission is the drive to dismantle the root causes of poverty, avoid the need for future generations of Big Issue vendors, and promote preventative action. 

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill, which is being led through Parliament by The Big Issue founder, Lord Bird, and is co-sponsored by Simon Fell MP, is rooted in the same philosophy and aims to challenge orthodox thinking by brokering sustainable solutions to social problems.

The Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill will require the UK Government to:

  • Work to prevent problems, including the climate crisis, poverty and pandemics from happening, and not just deal in emergencies;
  • Give current and future generations a voice in decision-making, and protect them from global threats;
  • Deliver a new, sustainable vision for the nation that prioritises our environmental, social, economic and cultural wellbeing.

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