AFC Wimbledon fans arriving early for their team’s trip to St James’ Park may have been surprised to spot a Womble had accompanied them all the way from Wimbledon.
As part of the Big Issue Community Roadshow, which arrived in Newcastle on Tuesday (1 October), Orinoco the Womble was out in Eldon Square and Grainger Street, engaging with locals and starting a conversation around Britain’s most famous street magazine.
- Waterloo Road star James Baxter to join the Big Issue’s Big Debate in Newcastle
- Welcome to Big Issue’s Big Community
For one week, all aspects of the Big Issue Group – the magazine’s reporters, opportunities for vendors, the social investment arm, Big Issue Invest, and its job service Big Issue Recruit – is in Newcastle to talk, listen and help with the problems facing the North East.

Assisting with the Roadshow is local legend and ex-Big Issue vendor Earl Charlton, who has returned to his former pitch outside Newcastle Central station for one week only to spread the word about the Community Roadshow.
Today (2 October), the Big Issue will be at Floe in the Stamp Exchange, with an open door to our editorial crew. People are invited to drop-in and share their stories and alert the team to areas they feel the Big Issue should be focusing on.
Then on Thursday (3 October), the Roadshow will culminate with the Big Issue’s Big Debate – a Question Time-style live event that is open to the people of Newcastle to come armed with questions and ideas for a panel of experts and community leaders to consider.