Our Armando Iannucci guest edited Big Issue broke the internet, broke sales and nearly broke Alan Partridge! It’s no longer on sale from vendors, but you can read the full Alan Partridge vs Malcolm Tucker Brexit debate in all its sweary glory below – or buy the magazine from The Big Issue Shop!
Politics and the media come together to settle the Brexit debate once and for all. Representing politics, Malcolm Tucker, former communications director at No. 10 Downing Street, and now on the board of negotiations and conflict-resolution company Off The Table. Representing the media is local, national and international (online) broadcaster Alan Partridge. The following is their full debate via email…

[Recovered email]
From: Alan Partridge
To: Malcolm Tucker
Subject: RE: Brexit
Is this helping at all? I lost my way a couple of times (making up words, forgetting it was about the EU etc) but I think I bought it back round in the end. And if it’s made you feel even 1% less crabby, great.
Shall I do you now? I’ll do, say, two? Then we can make closing arguments, meet somewhere in the middle, thank each other, say our bye-byes and I can jump in the car and go to squash. Sound good?