William Letford
Roofer-turned-poet Billy Letford’s poems are fresh and arresting in spades. Forget poetry as a niche art form – Billy could wow the masses with his sharp uptake on the everyday – from the joy of a busker outside Greggs to love lost and found. Seek him out!
Don Paterson
Big hitter on the poetry scene, Don Paterson takes the classic sonnet form and blasts it with new and bold subjects – To Dundee City Council is a riot of satire and black humour. Mercies – about the family dog’s last trip to the vet – will blur your eyes with tears.

Liz Lochhead
Long-time champion of Scottish poetry, Liz Lochhead’s collection opens with achingly lovely elegies to her late husband Tom, then moves through
grief towards light and Liz’s trademark rhythm and humour.