I grew up in Accrington and by the time I was 16 I was very into booze and trying to get into clubs underage. There was a nightclub called The La-di-das, all plastic palm trees and fountains, not quite like the terraces of the industrial north. Thursday nights were alternative nights and we’d all go in, trying to pass for 18, drinking ridiculous cocktails and dancing to The Smiths. I was doing that but I was also a bit of a do-gooder. I was head girl, always going around with tins collecting for some cause. Both those sides of me still co-exist.
I was really lucky. The time I was a teenager, working-class kids could go into further education without running up debt, and into the arts through subsidised school trips to the theatre, things like that. I studied film and theatre studies at a further education college. I loved reading and music. The first two albums I bought were Wham! and The Smiths. That concurrent love of cheesy pop and indie, that also still lives in me.
I felt very sad when George Michael died, especially when we found out about all those kind things he did. What an incredible thing, that he did them all so privately. What an inspiration. I just hope that when he died he knew how loved he was.

I went to LAMDA, a really posh drama school in London. There were five of us from Accrington, which is amazing really. After that I signed on for years while running a theatre company. It was an apprenticeship really, I learned more than you could ever dream of.
It’s much more difficult for young working class people to do that kind of thing now. If I could go back and talk to my younger self I’d say, keep an eye on that. I can remember when the whole concept of benefits began to change, from being something that supported you to being a shameful thing for scroungers. I think I, alongside my generation, should have seen the way it was going and we should have fought harder against it.
Morrissey was absolutely lovely to me
I think my fatal flaw in life is that I suffered really badly from jealousy. What I took so long to understand – and I’m still learning today – is that there are enough nice things to go round. So you don’t have to resent it if someone gets a good job or a nice boyfriend.