The 16-year-old Carl was into football, music and girls. It was a happy time. I was never a loner, always had my friends. We were a family. We’d go to a lot of nightclubs, take coaches to Canvey Island, dressing up older to get in. The girlfriend situation, though… that was a confusing time. Did they like me? Did they want to talk to me?
My family first came to Manchester from Barbados in the late 1960s. They were always very working-class people Their values made me who I am today. We never had much money. Before I was a DJ, I learned my trade as a scaffolder, before that as a painter and decorator, and I stacked tins of baked beans before that. I was a wedding DJ for 10 years. I knew I had to work, and work hard, if I wanted to buy records. I’ve never owed anyone any money.
My first exposure to music came from my father. Like many West Indian or Barbadian families, we had a lot of parties at home. My dad religiously bought these seven-inch records and shared his love of music with everyone. It was anything from old funk to reggae to country, from James Brown to Dolly Parton to Marc Bolan. I think it’s a natural order that I took such an avid interest. Now, my collection of music from 1968 to present day is over 150,000 pieces of vinyl.
I first went to Ibiza in 1984, with my sister and girlfriend at the time. We hired a little Fiat Panda and slept in the car for the first two days. Back then it was all about Spanish DJs playing to Spanish people. Then there was me, arriving from Carshalton in south London, hearing music I’d never heard before in clubs that blew me away. That was my initiation. The next year I decided I was going to try and become a DJ.

I had an enterprising approach early on. At 24, I got £1000 from The Prince’s Trust to buy my own DJ equipment and start my own small business. This was a big turning point. I had to cross that bridge and make the decision of what direction I was going. I could earn £500 a week as a scaffolder or £60 a week as a self-employed DJ. I would tell my younger self that you are taking a big step back to move forward. I’d say, your dad will tell you that you’re dreaming, that it would amount to nothing. But he’s from a different time. Your mum will see what you’re about as a person, where you’re going. I would tell the young Carl, stick to your path.
I haven’t had a natural eight-hour sleep for many years. If I carried on with that rock and roll, party lifestyle I’d be dead. I’d tell my younger self to learn how to say no. Missing that extra beer or a party isn’t the end of the world. Now I want to have a life beyond the party. I’m into my cars, my motorcycles. You can’t waste a day.