The first thing I would say to myself at 16 years old is to ask if my daddy might let me stay out a little bit later. Living in my father’s house we had rules. Momma would remind me, being the oldest girl of 12 children, that I would have to study hard, and that I would have to do my housework before I could go out for recreation or leisure.
My biggest thrill was singing, and going to a neighbourhood house, where Mrs Rogers would let us sing and teach us how to walk on stage and how to carry a microphone and sing with a big band because her sons were musicians. So it would be about getting my schoolwork done and getting my housework done, and then being allowed to go to this house and sing the standards and songs that I was very interested in learning. But the rule was you would have to be in the house when the street lights came on.
I didn’t just stroll into Motown, I was invited. The only thing was I didn’t go through the protocol. I was supposed to call for an appointment but I had a difficult time sleeping after meeting William Stevenson [Motown’s head of A&R] at a nightclub where I was singing at the age of 21. I got a card, and after performing I took it backstage, and it was from Hitsville USA. I realised I had been discovered – he said I had talent: “Come to Hitsville USA.” The words rang in my ears.
So I showed up Monday morning and William Stevenson looked at me and asked me what I was doing there, he didn’t even remember he’d given me a card. I was told I could answer a telephone that was ringing off the hook. It was like a divine order. I knew how to answer a phone, I knew how to type, how to take dictation with my shorthand skills, and I fitted in very well from the minute he asked me to answer the phone. They asked me not just to come back to Hitsville USA but to become part of that company.
Marvin Gaye was a drummer when I became aware of him. One day The Andantes weren’t available to sing behind Marvin on one of his creations. So I called in the girls I had previously sung with, The Del-Phis, and we sang behind Marvin Gaye on Stubborn Kind of Fellow, and he took that pipe out of his mouth, and the glasses off of his eyes and the hat off of his head, and we saw how attractive he was. He was a gentleman, he was so fine. We went “do-do-do-bow!” and history began with Martha and the Vandellas and Marvin Gaye, as our record, Come and Get These Memories, began to be played on the radio and started to be distributed all over the world. So we were sort of discovered and created together.

I happened to be in the A&R department when Stevie Wonder was brought in aged eight years old. I immediately was so in love with him – a beautiful spirited child. He started emptying waste baskets and playing bongos on them. He started making sounds and rhythms on the typewriter. He went to the telephone and “beep-beep-beep-beep” became a song. I had to take the phone from him: “Child, you’re going to call Russia.” We went over to studio A and he played every instrument in the room, then finished with a tiny little harmonica out of his pocket. Berry Gordy [Motown founder] said “this kid is a wonder” and that’s how he got his name.