The wonderful, under-appreciated mum. The tear-their-hair-out heroes of the school run, the calm presence in the 8pm wine-fuelled phone calls where you complain about your significant other. Or your best friend or that guy you work with who may or may not have been rude to you, you’re not quite sure, and of course, the personal stylist, who will definitely tell you if your new haircut makes you look a bit daft or those shoes don’t go with those jeans.
Now is the time to let mum know how much she really means to you – get her a gift with a social echo from The Big Issue Shop!
If your mum is a bit of a stickler for coffee rings, or spilled cornflakes on the kitchen table the ARTHOUSE Meath tablecloth will help you avoid a scolding. Their collaborative designs printed on 100 per cent organic cotton can take centre-stage at the breakfast table.

ARTHOUSE Meath is a collective of artists living with complex epilepsy and learning disabilities. They all require varying levels of support but work alongside instructors to create stunning artworks which are developed into stunning products like tablecloths, tea towels and fine bone china mugs – perfect for holding a Mother’s Day brew!

If it’s a cuppa your mum covets the London Tea Company can sort you out. Whether it’s a more traditional tea (London Breakfast) or you fancy spicing it up a little (Vanilla Chai) there’s a whole range for her to choose from. And best of all, 50 per cent of the profits from London Tea Company and Cafedirect are invested in the Cafedirect Producers’ Foundation – a UK charity that is run by farmers, for farmers.

Mother’s Day is the perfect time to offer the chance to replace some of the dodgy colouring on those pictures pride of place on the fridge. Street Art prints from The Big Issue Shop are created by talented, marginalised individuals looking for an outlet for creative expression. At least half the profit from each print goes to the artist, with the remaining profit helping The Big Issue give people living on the margins a hand up.