What, you might ask, exactly is “shopping with a social echo”? It’s quite simple really: when you buy a product from The Big Issue Shop, every item you purchase is made by a company that does something good.
That is either a charity that employs people who would otherwise be marginalised, in Britain or elsewhere in the world. Or a social enterprise that ploughs its profits back in to helping other people. A firm that reuses and recycles materials to create something beautiful and useful. Or a community interest company that fuels growth in its local area by bringing in manufacturing, skills, training and commerce.

So when you shop with a social echo you’re putting good back out there into the world with every single penny you spend, and not just pumping cash into a faceless corporate behemoth. And we guarantee that every product you buy from our Shop is top quality, most often hand-crafted, and perfectly made with love.
Also, each purchase from The Big Issue Shop also helps The Big Issue to fund our own work with people living on the margins in society.
You’re putting good back out into the world with every single penny you spend
As Big Issue founder John Bird put it: “The Big Issue Shop is a very special shop because what we sell helps. It helps you because it’s something that you want to buy. It helps us because it gives us income for our work. And it helps the people who make the stuff that we sell to you!
“It’s a virtuous circle. Winners all around. And it’s all social trading.”