Who runs the world? Girls. Or so says pop queen Beyoncé. But there is some truth behind her catchy lyric and unmistakable voice. In amongst tech giant Cher Wang, publishing star Arianna Huffington, and of course, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg sits an underrepresented clan of formidable women – social entrepreneurs.
Social enterprises aim to change the world through business, and with 41% of the UK’s social enterprises led by women, the reach of global sisterhood only continues to grow.
Social enterprises aim to change the world through business
From Babies with Love puts every penny of profit from its unique, ethically sourced children’s products to help orphaned children around the world. The company’s vision: that every child has a fair start in life, no matter where they are born.
The stunning, design-led blankets, toys and clothes (babygrow pictured below) allow the charity to support children in SOS Children’s Villages across the world, from Indonesia to El Salvador. Plus, they’re all cute as a button.

Soft toys
If they weren’t already cute enough in their organic cotton duck blanket, Pebble Toys can help babies marvel at the adorable designs and quirky expressions of their handmade toys. Working out of rural Bangladesh, the handmade crocheted soft toys are made by a fair-trade cooperative, Hathay Bunano – meaning handmade in Bangla.
The business works in partnership with the cooperative and local charities in the country to teach women in remote areas how to knit, empowering Bangladeshi women (below) with regular, flexible and sustainable employment, giving them and their children a chance at a better life.