While cash continues to be vital for many financially excluded Brits, you would have thought that you could always bank on iconic board game Monopoly to stand by notes.
But not so, maker Hasbro has unveiled a new version of the game that is waving goodbye to cash and bank cards and instead will see Alexa-style voice recognition to interact with the banker Mr Monopoly who will electronically track all transactions.
Introducing Monopoly’s newest tech innovation, Monopoly Voice Banking!
Pre-order: https://t.co/ZJnTKub3wF pic.twitter.com/5WsU4sOzc5— Hasbro (@Hasbro) June 19, 2019
That means no cheating by slipping yourself a sly £100 from the bank and faster gameplay, according to Hasbro.
It’s not the first time that Monopoly has ditched cash – that honour goes to a 2006 version that partnered up with Visa credit cards – but it is symptomatic of a shift away from cash in society.
The Access to Cash Review at the end of last year found that eight million Brits still rely on cash every day and warned of the danger of “sleepwalking into a cashless society” that could leave vulnerable people behind.