When everyone was being urged to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives, Wales & West Housing Group staff focused on keeping residents and themselves safe while providing essential services.
The organisation identified 3,000 vulnerable or elderly residents and, working from their homes, staff began making regular welfare checks via telephone.
For those who needed help, additional support was provided including, in some cases, staff collecting prescriptions and food shopping.
The calls are continuing, where needed, and residents have said “it’s truly comforting to know that my landlord is there to help with any problems
I may have.”
Tenancy Support Officers have been supporting residents in financial difficulties and WWH has helped health and care workers with donations from its Making A Difference funds.
These donations helped Tarian Cymru to buy PPE for health and care workers in west Wales, purchased iPads for Cardiff Midwives to keep in touch with mothers and their babies and provided storage units for Age Connects Morgannwg to help elderly patients who were moving from hospital to step-down care facilities.
As restrictions are lifted, WWH is carefully increasing services in line with Welsh Government guidance. Construction partners are working safely on sites developing hundreds of new rented homes across Wales, including Cardiff, Bridgend, Aberystwyth and Wrexham.
The situation is evolving and changing but the commitment to do what matters and keep residents safe remains as strong as ever.
Find out more at: www.wwha.co.uk