And as we frequently like to remind everyone, for £2.50 (the price of a cup of coffee) you’re helping change someone’s life. And, of course, getting a show-stopping, award-winning magazine.
Here are some of the myths that the film addresses…
“If I give them money they’ll just spend it on drugs.”
We support vendors with addiction problems – but not all of them have these problems. And who are we to say what you or anybody else should spend your hard-earned wages on? If you go clubbing, eat junk food, buy a bottle of wine on Fridays, that’s your business.
“They get the magazine for free. They must be making loads of money.”
They wish! Vendors run their own micro-business, paying us £1.25 for each copy – they buy their stock just like every other high street retailer. Of the £2.50 you’ve shelled out, they make £1.25 and £1.25 goes to us to print next week’s Issue and cover our running costs.
“I’ll give them money but tell the vendor keep the magazine.”
Don’t do this. Don’t turn your vendor into a beggar. ALWAYS TAKE THE MAGAZINE. Vendors are working. And its is a fantastic, award-winning magazine – take it, read it, you’ll love it! Giving vendors a handout – not taking the magazine – goes against everything we stand for.
“The Big Issue uses homeless people to make loads of money…”
The Big Issue magazine is a social enterprise, a business that puts our profits back into helping others who are homeless, vulnerably housed or at extreme disadvantage.
“Selling The Big Issue is just a scam…”
Being a magazine salesperson on a busy street is not an easy option – if you were looking for a ‘scam’ to make fast money, you wouldn’t be selling The Big Issue.
“It’s not supposed to be a long-term job…”
We have to accept that there are some people who come to us who will never be able to join or rejoin the mainstream of society. For those people, we think continuing as a vendor is better for them and society than pulling the plug on our support and possibly pushing them into begging.
“I saw a vendor shopping at Waitrose…”
Everyone deserves a little luxury, especially if you work as hard as a Big Issue vendor. Smile and say hello, hopefully it means they’ve had a good week!