
How political cartoonists influenced both Churchill and Sunak's crushing election defeats

How political cartoonists influenced both Churchill and Sunak's crushing election defeats

Cartoonists were quick to draw attention to the faux pas of Rishi Sunak's recent campaign and Winston Churchill's 1945 defeat
Voter ID rules are racist – let’s get rid of them once and for all
voter ID, local elections 2023
Alba Kapoor

Voter ID rules are racist – let’s get rid of them once and for all

Letters: The DWP needs to be kind – instead of making people's lives difficult
Liz Kendall DWP

Letters: The DWP needs to be kind – instead of making people's lives difficult

Smart, no-nonsense moves by Starmer show how toxic and incompetent the Tories have really been
Sam Delaney

Smart, no-nonsense moves by Starmer show how toxic and incompetent the Tories have really been

No, it isn't middle-class to vote for third-party or independent candidates in the general election
Kasmira Kincaid

No, it isn't middle-class to vote for third-party or independent candidates in the general election

Opinion polls are an important cog in our democracy – but the only poll that counts is election day
A polling station sign hangs on a wire fence outside a building
Jane Frost

Opinion polls are an important cog in our democracy – but the only poll that counts is election day

This is what would happen if the Liberal Democrats became the official opposition
General election 2024

This is what would happen if the Liberal Democrats became the official opposition

There are more food banks in UK than McDonald's. It's why the work doesn't stop after polling day
Paul McNamee

There are more food banks in UK than McDonald's. It's why the work doesn't stop after polling day

One of the biggest problems this election? Faith in politics and media is at rock bottom
Polling station iStock
Matteo Bergamini

One of the biggest problems this election? Faith in politics and media is at rock bottom

Inside the Big Issue: Starmer, Sunak, Davey and Swinney take our vendors' questions
Inside the Big Issue

Inside the Big Issue: Starmer, Sunak, Davey and Swinney take our vendors' questions

Election 2024: Starmer, Sunak, Swinney and Davey tell us how they'd end Britain's poverty crisis
Sunak, Davey, Swinney and Starmer
General election 2024

Election 2024: Starmer, Sunak, Swinney and Davey tell us how they'd end Britain's poverty crisis

How Nigel Farage could become next Tory leader – and why we all should be concerned
General election 2024

How Nigel Farage could become next Tory leader – and why we all should be concerned

What a row over Tayto crisps tells us about general election and the politics of distraction
Paul McNamee

What a row over Tayto crisps tells us about general election and the politics of distraction

Tories are gloating that cost of living crisis is over – they're wrong: 'The country is going backwards'
unclaimed benefits/ dwp
Cost of living crisis

Tories are gloating that cost of living crisis is over – they're wrong: 'The country is going backwards'

'Consign it to history': Sadiq Khan pledges to end rough sleeping in London by 2030
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan is calling for more support for renters
Rough Sleeping

'Consign it to history': Sadiq Khan pledges to end rough sleeping in London by 2030

Everyone has a right to vote – including homeless people. Here's how you can take part
Craig Westwood

Everyone has a right to vote – including homeless people. Here's how you can take part

'Democracy is stronger when more people take part': Voter ID may stop millions from voting in 2024
voter ID

'Democracy is stronger when more people take part': Voter ID may stop millions from voting in 2024

'Women have to step up': Gina Miller on Brexit, misogyny and Britain's 'broken' politics

'Women have to step up': Gina Miller on Brexit, misogyny and Britain's 'broken' politics

Keir Starmer is canny enough to know that fear is the Tories' best friend
Keir Starmer addressing a business conference in London, February 2024
Sam Delaney

Keir Starmer is canny enough to know that fear is the Tories' best friend

What the Tories' North Shropshire by-election loss means for Boris Johnson
North Shropshire

What the Tories' North Shropshire by-election loss means for Boris Johnson