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Tenant union
What is the Renters Reform Bill and how will it change things for renters?
What is the Renters Reform Bill and how will it change things for renters?
The much-delayed Renters Reform Bill has finally been introduced to Parliament, but tenants are still waiting for the legislation to come into force
Landlords set to pass on mortgage rate hikes to tenants
Landlords set to pass on mortgage rate hikes to tenants
These pensioners are on a rent strike over surging service charges
These pensioners are on a rent strike over surging service charges
5 ways to get help if you're in a dispute with your landlord
5 ways to get help if you're in a dispute with your landlord
Tenants 'attacked' outside London estate agent during eviction protest
Tenants 'attacked' outside London estate agent during eviction protest
Renters to hold protests across England this weekend over ‘broken system’
Renters to hold protests across England this weekend over ‘broken system’
'I am scared of being homeless': Residents protest over doubling of rents