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The Troubles

Hip-hop pioneers Kneecap on peace, Super Noodles and bringing Irish into the modern day

Hip-hop pioneers Kneecap on peace, Super Noodles and bringing Irish into the modern day

Among young people in the north of Ireland, Kneecap have built a fervent fanbase, glad to see their post conflict lives reflected back at them with brio
Those wounded by the Troubles still walk among us. Their pain is as relevant today as ever

Those wounded by the Troubles still walk among us. Their pain is as relevant today as ever

Top 5 books about the Troubles, chosen by bestselling author Henry Hemming 

Top 5 books about the Troubles, chosen by bestselling author Henry Hemming 

In Northern Ireland's government, anything could happen
Paul McNamee

In Northern Ireland's government, anything could happen

Bloody Sunday: Why we need the human stories that history textbooks leave out
Julieann Campbell

Bloody Sunday: Why we need the human stories that history textbooks leave out
