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voter id
Would-be voters turned away from polling stations for not having ID: 'This hurts our democracy'

Would-be voters turned away from polling stations for not having ID: 'This hurts our democracy'
Activists and campaigners have warned that the new rules are not only unwarranted, they're actually 'damaging our democracy'
Sunak and top Tories keeping seats over voter ID confusion would be 'damaging to democracy'

Sunak and top Tories keeping seats over voter ID confusion would be 'damaging to democracy'
Everyone has a right to vote – including homeless people. Here's how you can take part

Everyone has a right to vote – including homeless people. Here's how you can take part
'Democracy is stronger when more people take part': Voter ID may stop millions from voting in 2024
'Democracy is stronger when more people take part': Voter ID may stop millions from voting in 2024
Here’s what the UK can learn from Australia, Sweden, and the US about getting voters to the polls
Here’s what the UK can learn from Australia, Sweden, and the US about getting voters to the polls
New voter ID rules are blocking local elections voters from casting their ballot

New voter ID rules are blocking local elections voters from casting their ballot
Local elections: You can still vote if you’ve lost your ID. Here’s how.

Local elections: You can still vote if you’ve lost your ID. Here’s how.
Exclusive: Councils are rejecting one in 18 applications for the government’s new free voter ID

Exclusive: Councils are rejecting one in 18 applications for the government’s new free voter ID
Calls to scrap voter ID requirement as just 85,000 apply for free photo ID by deadline

Calls to scrap voter ID requirement as just 85,000 apply for free photo ID by deadline
Voter ID: Everything you need to know about how to vote in May’s elections, and the controversies

Voter ID: Everything you need to know about how to vote in May’s elections, and the controversies
Trans, elderly, disabled and Muslim people could be worst affected by new voter ID law, with less than a month until polling day

Trans, elderly, disabled and Muslim people could be worst affected by new voter ID law, with less than a month until polling day
Remember all those controversial laws that were passed? Many of them just came into force

Remember all those controversial laws that were passed? Many of them just came into force
'A full-fronted attack on our democracy': New voter ID laws make it harder for young people to vote

'A full-fronted attack on our democracy': New voter ID laws make it harder for young people to vote
MPs vote through ‘deeply depressing’ voter ID laws

MPs vote through ‘deeply depressing’ voter ID laws
Voter ID plans could stop a million people from voting, say MPs