Street Cat Bob’s owner James Bowen has told The Big Issue that his new kittens – Bandit and Gizmo – are helping him to cope with the loss of his “best friend” earlier this year.
Tributes poured in from all over the world when Bob passed away in June and James said that it left a big gap in his life. But two tiny balls of fluff have gone some way to fill that hole.
“Their affection has definitely eased my suffering a bit, about missing Bob,” James said. “They are absolutely adorable.”

James has set up a Facebook page to share the stories of the new members of his family. He and his fiancee Monika Hertes keep the kittens’ fans updated, and the feline stars are already showing themselves to have big personalities.
“We got them when they were very small, but they’ve been growing very quickly. They’re from the same litter, but they are so different,” said James. “We call Bandit the baby owl, he’s always watching things. And Gizmo, we call him His Royal Fluffness, because he thinks he’s superior to everyone.”
Bob had been James’s constant companion since he sold The Big Issue in London. Bob helped James get over addiction issues and their friendship went on to inspire a million-selling book and a hit film, A Street Cat Named Bob.