Children are wonderful aren’t they? Especially when they’ve gone to bed. And when the kids have retired for the evening, parents everywhere like to indulge in a bit of adult TV.
Not like Babestation – no, nothing like as fun as that – I just mean programmes that ward off children, with adult themes such as sex, violence and Peruvian pottery.
You see, there are lots of programmes that despite being post-watershed, are catnip to kids. So you end up reluctantly stepping into your pyjamas and enduring a sweaty child stuck to you all the way through Gogglebox or I’m A Celebrity, gritting your teeth as they gatecrash your carefully designated me-time.
This can lead to stress over the long-term. So it’s important to have a few choice TV shows that are so supremely unsuitable for them that they’ll be out of the living room and up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire in a flash. Then you can cosy up and be your irresponsible, sweary, bitchy, smelly self. Here are some I have tried and tested:

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is classic Get To Bed Now TV. So relentlessly violent that you wonder whether you’re actually old enough to watch it. If your child came in after having a bad dream during all that White Walker zombie dragon stuff they would have nightmares FOREVER, or at least have a weird lifelong penchant for ’70s prog rock album art.