We love our dads, so why not share the love this Father’s Day and treat them to a social gift from The Big Issue Shop.
The Big Issue Shop makes ethical and social shopping a truly accessible option for consumers, giving them the opportunity to use their spending power to make a positive difference to the world they live in.
Every product on the site has a ‘social echo’ to it, and we have put together a special collection for this year’s Father’s Day.
This includes neckties from Reddendi, which are sustainably handmade in the UK from the highest quality silk. Every necktie purchased will help to educate an underprivileged child for a year in Africa, India, Peru or Syria.

Or perhaps you might like to buy a beautifully designed bag, wallet or MacBook case from Elvis & Kresse, which are all made from decommissioned firehoses that would have ended up as landfill. Fifty per cent of profits from the range go to The Fire Fighters Charity.
Nothing says Father’s Day more than socks! Jollie Goods is a “more-than-profit” enterprise passionate about creating fun and tangible opportunities to support local homeless charities and care for those facing homelessness. They’ve started with socks. Wear a pair, share a pair! For every pair of Jollies Socks bought, a pair of hardy hiking socks are donated to a homeless charity in your local area.