A London landlord has been fined £285,000 for renting out flats smaller than parking spaces, as pictures reveal squalid and cramped conditions inside.
Ibrahim Has crammed 13 flats into the space above the Yucatan pub in Stoke Newington, north London, one as small as nine square metres, and was charging tenants up to £1,250 a month for the privilege.
Several of the flats had two or more people living in them, with sizes ranging from 9.4 square metres to 40.3 square metres across the 13 flats.

For comparison, a standard UK parking space measures 2.4 metres by 4.8 metres – or 11.52 square metres. The legal minimum size is 37 square metres for a one-bed, one-person flat.
Pictures released by Hackney Council show tiny rooms with appliances within touching distance of a bed, along with cramped kitchen spaces. Other pictures show a toilet next to a washing machine, and a front door opening to touch the foot of a bed.

Guy Nicholson, Hackney’s deputy mayor, said Has exploited vulnerable tenants and the housing shortage in a borough where more than 13,000 households are waiting for social housing.