As many high school pupils celebrate excellent exam results, others are facing an uncertain future after finding their results were not what they hoped for. But failing exams doesn’t mean disaster. In fact many people go on to success in business or become household names despite disappointment at school.
Exams didn’t quite go as planned for KISS FM presenter and DJ Pandora. But, she says, it’s been anything but a calamity…
On the run up to my GCSE exams I remember feeling anxious, and if I am honest, a bit stressed as I was constantly worrying if I had done enough revision. The moment I woke up on exam day, I had a clear head as I was eager to just get in and do it. I had the huge build-up of worry and I just wanted to get it over and done with, and get everything down on paper.

I’d always loved drama and at that time I wanted to be an actress so when I got an A* in drama I was over the moon. My parents were quite keen for me to pursue a veter-inary course but I got a D in maths and a DD in science, meaning getting that degree to become a vet just wasn’t going to be possible! They offered to pay for extra tuition to retake the exams but I told them I was happy with what I got, as it confirmed the direction I wanted to take my career in.
My career in radio started when I became a promo girl at Heart Radio, and I used that experience to shadow everyone I possibly could in that building. I let everyone know that I wanted to be a radio presenter and would do anything to find out everything about the trade. I worked in every aspect of radio whether it was alongside the producers, finding out what the engineers did, and listening to the sales team. I even sat in on a pre-recorded show to see how it was technic-ally operated.