
Seven years after Grenfell Tower fire: Residents fear they'll die before seeing justice

Seven years after Grenfell Tower fire: Residents fear they'll die before seeing justice

No prosecutions have been brought as the seventh anniversary of the Grenfell fire is marked. Residents say they're struggling to move on
Beyond Grenfell: The cladding crisis is still gripping the UK
Cladding expense victims

Beyond Grenfell: The cladding crisis is still gripping the UK

28 inspiring campaigns and campaigners to make you believe change can be won in 2023

28 inspiring campaigns and campaigners to make you believe change can be won in 2023

‘I feel like if I leave my home I won’t be coming back’: Families kicked out of homes over fire safety issues
Cladding crisis

‘I feel like if I leave my home I won’t be coming back’: Families kicked out of homes over fire safety issues

Why campaigners are pleased to see Michael Gove back as housing secretary
Conservative Party

Why campaigners are pleased to see Michael Gove back as housing secretary

Soaring mortgage rates are just another cost clobbering victims of the cladding scandal
James Smith cladding mortgages
Cladding crisis

Soaring mortgage rates are just another cost clobbering victims of the cladding scandal

What should Liz Truss do in their first 100 days do to tackle the housing crisis?
Liz Truss, the next prime minster on housing

What should Liz Truss do in their first 100 days do to tackle the housing crisis?

The Welsh government is now offering to buy homes affected by the cladding crisis
cladding campaigner
Building Safety Crisis

The Welsh government is now offering to buy homes affected by the cladding crisis

Grenfell five years on: Cladding scandal still haunts thousands across UK
Cladding scandal

Grenfell five years on: Cladding scandal still haunts thousands across UK

Grenfell: ‘We need to be the voices of those whose voices have been taken from us’
grenfell tower

Grenfell: ‘We need to be the voices of those whose voices have been taken from us’

Grenfell: A story of multiple failings
grenfell tower protestors

Grenfell: A story of multiple failings

Grenfell five years on: Key questions answered
A sign saying

Grenfell five years on: Key questions answered

In pictures: Grenfell Tower five years after the fire

In pictures: Grenfell Tower five years after the fire

Grenfell campaigners hold Jubilee street party with empty table to remember those who died
Grenfell street party

Grenfell campaigners hold Jubilee street party with empty table to remember those who died

The government says it's too expensive to give disabled people in fire risk blocks evacuation plans
Birmingham leaseholder Sarah Rennie has been hit by the cladding crisis after Grenfell
Fire safety

The government says it's too expensive to give disabled people in fire risk blocks evacuation plans

Building Safety Crisis: Gove unveils £5bn package to remove dangerous cladding from homes

Building Safety Crisis: Gove unveils £5bn package to remove dangerous cladding from homes

'I misspoke': Lord Pickles apologises for 'indifferent' Grenfell Tower Inquiry gaffe
Lord Pickles Grenfell Inquiry

'I misspoke': Lord Pickles apologises for 'indifferent' Grenfell Tower Inquiry gaffe

Some leaseholders will still face huge bills under Michael Gove's cladding crisis plan, MPs warn
cladding Justin Welby
Building Safety

Some leaseholders will still face huge bills under Michael Gove's cladding crisis plan, MPs warn

Housing developers told they have one month to come up with cladding cash plan

Housing developers told they have one month to come up with cladding cash plan

Michael Gove admits solving cladding crisis may impact affordable homes target

Michael Gove admits solving cladding crisis may impact affordable homes target

Developers could be blocked from housing market if they don't fix cladding
Cladding protest

Developers could be blocked from housing market if they don't fix cladding

The cladding crisis is disproportionately affecting young people
High rise flats
Cladding crisis

The cladding crisis is disproportionately affecting young people

Cladding firms could be banned from the UK if they don't pay to fix building safety crisis
cladding campaigner

Cladding firms could be banned from the UK if they don't pay to fix building safety crisis

Michael Gove gives developers 'final chance' to pay £4bn to fix cladding crisis
cladding protest

Michael Gove gives developers 'final chance' to pay £4bn to fix cladding crisis

'There's no magic bullet': Westminster government won't follow Wales in buying cladding homes

'There's no magic bullet': Westminster government won't follow Wales in buying cladding homes